Mike's page

Mike Blake 22nd September 2019 This event has closed


Our cycling group is going to ride part of the road cycling world championship course on 22 September in memory of our great friend and cycling buddy, Paul (Hank) Hancock who lost his battle with a malignant brain tumour on Monday 13 May 2019 at the age of 57.  We’ve cycled thousands of miles together and shared coffee, cake, beer and laughs. You can find his official memorial page here: 


He is second from the right in the cover photo. This was taken when he was ill but he managed a ride to a favourite local cafe.

Yorkshire is hosting the Cycling World Championships in September. Hank was a massive cycling fan and had hoped to be there. Melissa, his partner, has asked us to ride the official sportive to raise funds for Leeds Cares, the charity that supports Leeds Teaching Hospitals and official fund-raising partner to the UCI World Championships 2019.

Hank was diagnosed in January 2018 and received some outstanding care at St James University Hospital. Unfortunately, glioblastoma is ruthlessly invasive and extremely difficult to treat effectively. Hank did receive some pioneering viral treatment developed in partnership with Leeds University which has shown some success, so there is hope for the future.

We have chosen to ride the challenging longest route which is just over 90 miles, starting in Harrogate and taking in Greenhow Hill and Kidstones Pass, a couple of iconic Yorkshire Dales climbs, before looping back through Leyburn and Masham. This is not an easy day out on a bike. Hank would expect no less.

Hank was an irrepressibly optimistic character who would advise you not to put things off. So please don’t put off sponsoring me and then go and do something important you’ve been putting off.


Mike Blake

22nd September 2019
Finished in 6 hours 2 minutes. A big thank you to everyone who sponsored me.

Mike Blake

16th September 2019
Look North feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1kTtB94ZFI&feature=youtu.be

Mike Blake

2nd September 2019
Article in the Wharfedale Observer https://www.wharfedaleobserver.co.uk/news/17812920.fundraising-ride-otley-cyclist/